Nicky Ellis

how to cook ostrich steak

How Do You Cook Ostrich Steak?

In many parts of the world ostrich is a very common and popular meat. For example, in areas where the ostrich is native, such as South Africa, ostrich steak is a common sight on the dinner table. Read on to learn more on how to cook ostrich steak. How To Cook Ostrich Steak Ostrich has … Read more

why are jackrabbits bad for ranching

Why Are Jackrabbits Bad For Ranching?

Black tail jackrabbits are large, long eared, rabbit like creatures that live in the desert scrub lands and open grasslands of the Western United States. Because they are vegetarians, large populations of jackrabbits can pose a problem in pasture lands that are grazed by livestock. Jackrabbits like the same sorts of things that cattle, horses, … Read more

what does an ostrich eat

What Does An Ostrich Eat: A Simple Guide

If you want to start your own ostrich farm, there are a number of things you’ll need to consider. One of them is what does an ostrich eat and how to provide the right nutrition to them. This guide should help you. Wilderness Vs Captivity In the wild, ostriches live in the open plains and … Read more

How Did Ostriches Evolve to Not Fly

How To Start An Ostrich Farm: A Simple Guide

Ostriches are raised commercially for their hides and their plumes, which are used to make boots and other leather goods, as well as accessories. Ostrich eggs are cooked and eaten in South Africa and in some very upscale restaurants around the world. The shells are useful for artistic pursuits as well as the manufacture of … Read more

what animals protect chickens from foxes

How To Prepare Sweet Potatoes For Dogs?

Dogs, although they are carnivores, also benefit enormously from having vegetables added to their food. How to prepare sweet potato for dogs? We are here to help you! How Do I Prepare Sweet Potatoes For Dogs? There are many ways that you can prepare sweet potatoes to your farm dogs, depending on whether you want … Read more

what kind of sunflowers produce edible seeds

What Kind Of Sunflowers Produce Edible Seeds?

There are sunflowers that are bred for their flowers, and those that are bred for their edible seeds. So what kind of sunflowers produce edible seeds? Are All Sunflower Seeds Edible? All sunflower seeds are edible. There is no part of this plant that is poisonous, so you can munch away quite happily! You can … Read more

how to become a ranch hand

Getting Started At Ranching [As A Ranch Hand]

Ranching is a big industry in the United States and in many countries around the world. If you have wondered how to become a cattle rancher, there are a couple of avenues open to you. Many cattle ranchers begin by simply inheriting the family business, but that doesn’t have to be the only way. It … Read more

best apron for gardening

Which Is The Best Apron For Farming?

We all know that there are a great many dirty jobs around the farm, and that you really don’t want to be wearing your best wedding outfit when you are doing your daily chores! But even if you are wearing work clothes, there may be some really messy things that you want to protect even … Read more

how to start a farmers market in your town

How To Start A Farmers’ Market In Your Town?

In the United States, Farmers’ Markets were common until the mid-twentieth century. At this time, supermarkets and other forms of convenient, indoor grocery shopping arose. Despite the convenience, by the late 20th Century, many people were becoming concerned about the quality of processed foods and other products available in supermarkets. When this concern grew, Farmers’ … Read more

how to sell meat at a farmers market

How To Sell Meat At A Farmers’ Market?

A well run Farmers’ Market can provide a great opportunity for consumers to access fresh, wholesome farm goods and for farmers to make a good profit by eliminating the middle man. Most markets are known for in season fruits, veggies, flowers and plants, as well as homemade baked goods, canned goods and hand crafts. What … Read more

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