Nicky Ellis

what is zero waste farming

Why Is Plastic Waste A Problem On Farms?

Plastic is a marvelous innovation, but unfortunately it is an innovation that lasts forever. When plastic wears out or when it is no longer needed, it never decomposes on its own. As a result, bits of plastic both large and small end up littering the landscape clogging up waterways and eventually making their way into … Read more

why is composting so important

How To Compost On A Farm {A Simple Guide}

Composting is the way that nature turns waste into soil. It happens naturally all around us all the time, and on a farm it is an excellent process to harness as a way of getting rid of unwanted organic matter to create desirable planting material. Can you compost on a big farm? In this article, … Read more

old rusted farm implements

Can You Recycle Old Rusted Farm Implements?

Farms are notorious for generating piles of rusty, broken equipment, tools and tires. At the end of your harvest season, you may find yourself with quite a bit of worn out equipment. What can you do to get rid of this eyesore and possibly turn a profit? In this article, we discuss the many ways … Read more

recycling is good land stewardship

7 Uses For Old Tires On The Farm

There are so many different types of farm equipment that need strong, sturdy tires that it doesn’t take long for old tires stack up all around your farm. Even when they wear out or become damaged, old tires are still fairly indestructible in terms of being able to break down naturally. As matter of fact, … Read more

Farm & Animals

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Chicago, IL 60637

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