Do Animals Eat Quince Fruit?

Quince fruit from the tree Cydonia oblonga is a delectable, nutrient-rich apple-like fruit that has long been cherished by humans for its various culinary delights. However, its appeal doesn’t end with us; it entices a variety of wildlife to savor it as well. Here, we look at how to prevent the quinces from your tree from becoming a meal for wildlife such as birds and deer. We also answer the question of can rabbits and chickens be fed quince? 

Do Birds Eat Quince Fruit?

Do animals eat quince fruit

Birds do eat quince fruit. Quince trees produce attractive fruits that are rich in nutrients and can serve as a valuable food source for various bird species. 

The fruit is typically greenish-yellow when ripe and has a distinctive aroma. While quince is primarily enjoyed by humans in culinary applications like jams, jellies, and desserts, it also appeals to many bird species.

Several types of birds are known to consume quince fruit, including but not limited to:

  • Thrushes – Thrush species such as American Robins and European Blackbirds are often seen feeding on quince fruit. They have a varied diet and readily consume a wide range of fruits, including quince.
  • Waxwings – Bohemian Waxwings and Cedar Waxwings are particularly fond of fruit, including quince. They may visit quince trees in flocks and consume the fruit during their seasonal migrations.
  • Starlings – Common Starlings are opportunistic feeders and will readily eat quince fruit when available.
  • Orioles – Including the Baltimore Oriole in North America, are fruit-loving birds, and quince is no exception.
  • Songbirds – Various songbird species may also sample quince fruit, especially during times when other food sources are scarce.

How to Prevent Wild Birds from Eating the Fruits

If you have a quince tree in your yard, you may want to protect your crop from being excessively consumed by birds. Here are some strategies to deter birds from eating the fruit:

  • Bird Netting – Cover the quince tree with bird netting to create a physical barrier between the birds and the fruit. Make sure the netting is securely fastened to prevent birds from finding gaps to access the fruit.
  • Scare Tactics – Implement scare tactics to deter birds. This can include using reflective objects, such as aluminum foil strips or old CDs hung around the tree. Movement can also scare birds, so consider hanging wind chimes or other moving objects nearby.
  • Decoys – Some gardeners have had success using decoy predators like plastic owls or snakes near or on the quince tree to scare off birds. However, this method might be less effective if birds become accustomed to the presence of the decoy.
  • Taste Deterrents – Applying taste deterrents to the quince fruit can make them less appealing to birds. There are non-toxic sprays available that make the fruit taste unpleasant to birds, encouraging them to seek food elsewhere.
  • Timing – Harvesting the ripe quince promptly can reduce the chances of birds finding the tree as a reliable food source.
  • Provide Alternative Food Sources – If possible, provide alternative food sources for birds nearby, such as bird feeders filled with seeds or fruits that they prefer over quince. This may help redirect their attention away from your tree.

Only use bird-friendly methods to deter birds from eating quince fruit. Avoid using harmful chemicals or practices that could damage the birds or the environment.

Do Deer Eat Quince Fruit?

Quince trees produce fruit that is highly attractive to deer due to its sweet taste and high nutritional value. Deer are opportunistic herbivores and will consume a wide range of plant materials, including fruits like quince.

Deer are more likely to target quince fruit during late summer and fall when the fruit ripens and becomes easily accessible. Depending on the region and deer population, they can cause significant damage to quince trees if left unchecked.

How to Prevent Deer from Eating the Fruits

If you have a quince tree and wish to protect your fruit from deer, here are some measures you can take:

  • Fencing – Erecting a sturdy and tall fence around the quince tree is one of the most effective ways to prevent deer from reaching the fruit. Use a fence that is at least 8 feet tall, as deer are excellent jumpers and can easily clear shorter barriers.
  • Deer Repellents – There are commercially available deer repellents that emit odors or tastes unpleasant to deer, deterring them from approaching the quince tree. These repellents are usually safe for both the deer and the tree when used according to the manufacturer’s instructions.
  • Motion-Activated Devices – Motion-activated sprinklers or noise-making devices can startle deer and discourage them from getting close to the quince tree. These devices are designed to sense the deer’s movement and respond accordingly.
  • Deer-Resistant Plants – Consider planting other deer-resistant species around the quince tree to divert their attention away from the fruit. Deer are less likely to bother with plants that are not as appealing to them.
  • Human Presence – Regularly visit the area around the quince tree or use a scarecrow to create the impression of human activity. Deer are generally wary of humans and will be less likely to approach if they think the area is frequented by people.
  • Harvest Promptly – As with deterring birds, harvesting quince fruit promptly when it ripens can reduce the chance of attracting deer to the tree.

No method is 100% foolproof, especially when dealing with a large deer population. Therefore, a combination of deterrents is often the most effective approach to protecting your quince crop from deer browsing.

As with birds, choose humane and environmentally friendly methods to discourage deer. Do not use harmful chemicals or actions that may hurt the deer or disrupt the delicate balance of the ecosystem. 

Striking a balance between preserving your quince harvest and coexisting with local wildlife is essential for maintaining a healthy and sustainable environment.

In this video, you can see how to help prevent deer from accessing your fruit trees:

Can Rabbits Eat Quince Fruit?

If you keep rabbits and are wondering if you can feed them your excess quince fruit then the answer is yes, it is safe for rabbits to consume as an occasional treat due to its natural sweetness and nutritional content. 

However, a rabbit’s diet should primarily consist of hay, fresh leafy greens, and a limited amount of rabbit pellets. Fruits, including quince, should only be given as a treat to supplement their regular diet.

Here are some guidelines for feeding quince fruit to rabbits

  • Moderation – Quince should only be fed to rabbits in small quantities. Too much fruit, including quince, can cause digestive upset or diarrhea in rabbits due to its high sugar content. Limit the portion size to a small slice or a few small pieces.
  • Freshness – Ensure the quince fruit is fresh and free from any mold or signs of spoilage before offering it to your rabbit as this can be harmful for them to eat.
  • Introduction – When introducing a new food item to your rabbit’s diet, do it gradually. Offer a tiny amount first and observe how your rabbit reacts to it. If there are no adverse effects, you can increase the portion slightly.
  • Remove Seeds and Core – Before giving quince to your rabbit, remove any seeds and the core, as these parts can be harmful if ingested in large quantities due to the compounds they contain.
  • Variety – Quince should be just one of many different types of fruits you offer to your rabbit. Rabbits enjoy a diverse diet, and a mix of various vegetables and fruits can help provide essential nutrients and prevent dietary imbalances.
  • Monitor Your Rabbit – After giving quince to your rabbit, monitor them for any signs of digestive issues. If you notice any problems, such as diarrhea or changes in behavior, discontinue feeding quince or consult a veterinarian.

As with any dietary changes, it’s best to consult with a veterinarian experienced in rabbit care if you have any concerns about adding new foods to your rabbit’s diet.

Can Chickens Eat Quince Fruit?

If, like me, you keep chickens and often feed them fresh food scraps then the good news is that you can also feed quince fruit to chickens, and many, but not all, chickens enjoy it as a tasty treat. 

Quince is safe for chickens to consume in moderation and can be a nutritious addition to their diet.

Here are some important points to consider when feeding quince to chickens

  • Moderation – Like with any treat, quince should be given to chickens in moderation. While it contains beneficial nutrients, it is also relatively high in sugar. Too much sugar can lead to obesity and other health issues in chickens.
  • Freshness – Always provide fresh, ripe quince to your chickens. Avoid giving them fruit that is overripe, moldy, or spoiled.
  • Proper Preparation – Wash the quince thoroughly before offering it to your chickens. Remove any seeds, as they can be toxic in large amounts.
  • Introduction – If you’re introducing quince to your chickens’ diet for the first time, start with a small amount to observe their reaction. Some chickens may not be interested in quince, while others may love it.
  • Balanced Diet – Remember that quince should be considered a treat and not a substitute for their regular, balanced chicken feed. Chickens require a diet primarily composed of chicken feed, which provides them with the essential nutrients they need for optimal health and egg production.
  • Other Treats – Chickens enjoy a variety of treats, including other fruits and vegetables. Offer a mix of treats to keep their diet diverse and exciting.
  • Avoid Overindulgence – If you notice your chickens consuming a lot of quince or any treat in excess, reduce the amount or frequency of treats to maintain a healthy diet.

As omnivores, chickens have diverse dietary preferences and can eat a wide range of foods. However, it’s essential to provide them with a balanced diet that meets their nutritional requirements. 

Alongside chicken feed, fresh water, and free-ranging opportunities, offering occasional treats like quince can contribute to their overall happiness and well-being.

As with rabbits, if you have any concerns about feeding quince to your chickens’ diet or about their health in general, consult with a veterinarian experienced in poultry care.


Quince fruit, with its tantalizing aroma and natural sweetness, serves as a delightful treat for several animal species, including birds, deer, rabbits, and chickens. 

While birds and deer relish the flavors of ripe quince, you’ll want to protect your cultivated fruit trees from excessive consumption through netting and scare tactics. 

For rabbits and chickens, quince can be an occasional addition to their diet, offering them a healthy and enjoyable snack. Ensuring moderation and proper preparation is key when feeding quince to animals. 

By understanding the role of quince in wildlife diets and implementing appropriate measures, you can strike a balance that benefits both the wild creatures in your local environment and leaves you plenty for your own requirements. 

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