How To Move A Shed With A Skid Steer?

Moving a shed can be a real challenge, but there are many reasons why you might want to move a small shed on your farm or homestead. Figuring out exactly what to do can involve quite a bit of complex calculation, but you’ll be happy to know that you can use your skid steer to move a small shed. To do this, you’ll need a forklift attachment.

As long as the shed is not too large, you’ll be able to simply pick it up with your skid steer and move it from one place to another. For larger shed, you may need to use two skid steers. Read on to learn more on how to move a shed with a skid steer.

Preparation Is Key

preparation is key

Really, the most complicated part of relocating a shed is the painstaking preparation. Here’s what you’ll need to do before you ever pick up your shed with your skid steer.

1. Survey your property

Make certain you know exactly where your property lines are before you choose a new site for your shed. Look for hidden obstacles such as old sprinkler/irrigation systems, pet and livestock graves and other potentially hidden complications.

2. Know where you’re going!

Choose and prepare an appropriate site where the ground is level or can be made level with your skid steer and the right attachments. There should be ample space for maneuvering the shed into place, and you must make sure that the spot you choose has good drainage.

An ideal spot for your shed is one that is easy to get to but not in the way. Make certain that your new placement of the shed will not interfere with underground power lines, gas lines, water pipes and the like.

3. Prepare your foundation

Use your skid steer to level the ground and prepare your foundation. Make sure any big rocks, stumps and other obstacles are out of the way. Remember that with the right attachments, you can dig holes for a good post and pier foundation or even pour a concrete foundation.

Moving a she-shed with a skid steer

4. Be sure that your shed is completely empty before you move it

There should be absolutely nothing inside, and moving provides you with a perfect opportunity to get your shed completely clean for a fresh start in its new location.

5. Clear a path

Clear a path between your shed’s current location and its intended location. Use your skid steer to clear any obstacles out of the way and create a smooth moving surface from point A to point B.

In addition to preparing the ground, look overhead to make sure that there aren’t any power lines or tree branches to get in your way.

6. Double check your equipment and your help

Check out your Bobcat, your attachments and your helpers to make sure that everything is shipshape in Bristol fashion. You want to be certain that you are not going to be endangered by mechanical failures or incompetence!

7. Place the shed on the forklift arms

With your forklift attachment in place on your Bobcat, slip the forklift arms under the shed; strap it in place to hold it secure; engage your helpers to make certain that the shed is properly placed on the forklift arms and lift away.

8. Proceed carefully and deliberately to move the shed to its new site

Consult with your helpers to make sure that you are setting it down exactly where you want it to be. Put it in place, and you’re done!

Moving a BIG shed with a small bobcat

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